3 Affiliate Marketing Tips That Will Increase Your Affiliate Income

Affiliate marketers are always trying to find ways to increase their income. Some look for a magic pill, but they just need to employ good marketing practices. Three affiliate marketing tips that can increase your income are: unique web pages, articles and free reports. These three tips will increase your sales and income.
Affiliate Marketing Tip #1 - Unique Web Pages
You need to have a unique web page for each affiliate product you are promoting. You may be tempted to combine all of your products on one page, but this is too overwhelming for your prospects. You want to keep it simple - one product, one page. Most web hosting companies today allow you to host unlimited domains, so you will not have to incur any additional costs for hosting. You will have to purchase a domain name for each product.
Affiliate Marketing Tip #2 - Articles
Article marketing is an effective online marketing tactic for many things including affiliate marketing. You should write articles that highlight the use of the product. These articles should be placed on your website on a separate page. These articles have to be compelling and include calls to action. An appealing title will make people want to read your article. The articles should contain information about the product. There is a word of caution though. These articles cannot be uploaded to the article directories because they are promotional pieces.
If you write a minimum of two 300 word articles a week, you can generate a lot of traffic to your site. Over time, you can generate as many as 1000 targeted readers to your website in a day. Generally 1 out of every 100 people will buy your product or get your services, so you need to generate as much traffic as possible to your site. If you can generate 1,000 visitors to your website a day, then you can make 10 sales based on the 1 out of every 100 sale statistic.
Affiliate Marketing Tip #3 - Free Reports
The last tip is to use free reports to advertise your affiliate product. The free report will include information about your product as well as affiliate links. Encourage people to share your report with others. This can create a viral report. Your free reports should make your readers think that they will be missing something if they do not purchase your affiliate product.
You can increase your affiliate income if you implement these three affiliate marketing tips. In the beginning, you should try these tactics with a couple of your affiliate products. I am sure that this will lead to an increase in your affiliate income
For an example of a free report you can use for your affiliate marketing report, check out my report on list building List Building Free Report. Visit The Online Newbie if you are interested in starting an online marketing business TODAY to get out of the rat race, take control of our own destiny and stop trading time for dollars.
Article Source: Adrienne_Dupree