Be Your Own Woman

Just keeping it real for my sister friends...
Truth of the matter is there is only one you, when you entered this earth rim your DNA has and never will be here again. So what's my point, do you, be the best you, be YOUR OWN WOMAN. You power lies in knowing who you are. Being you own women means you are completely aware of your strengths and weakness, you are comfortable in your own skin, you realized your individuality and uniqueness, you are a transformist which means you are continuously evolving and you have a heart of gratitude for who you are and what you have accomplished in life.
Oprah Winfrey is an icon for sure, interestingly enough her business is called OWN OK, as I am sure you are aware. We all have admired her from afar and watched her built her empire. She literally owns her power, her brand is phenomenal. We can look at her and think she is special or unique because of her overwhelming success and I will say she is, but I dare say we all have the potential for success in our own sphere of influence and power. Your own success may not look like hers but success should not be measure by that of others, it's about how you define it. You see who you are is as distinctly different as that of a rose to a daisy, they are completely different in so many ways, but one doesn't take away from the others beauty and uniqueness, they have their own unique fragrance, colors, textures, shapes and even purpose by gosh. They own their power and presence without ever speaking a word, now that's powerful sister girl!
We as women are so diverse as well in our appearance, attributes, gifting and talents we can't even began to imagine the power that comes when we truly own it. I can remember being in my twenties and thirties, OMG I was so confused I was running here and there trying to figure out who I was, not even close to living up to my full potential. But I never quit, I refuse to quit until I figured it out, I watched and learned to celebrate others women's successes, I recognized my own uniqueness and simply competed with myself only, I was determined to be the best me and continued to evolve and I learned that a heart of gratitude opened me up to received all that the universe had in store for me.
So what does it mean exactly to be your OWN WOMAN well it simply means you know who you are, you own and take responsibility for your life in every way. You make plans and decisions about your life, without depending on anyone else to do it for you, approved it or validate you and you don't blame others for what is not working in your life. You literally understand that you are powerful girl!
These are the attributes of a woman who owns her power:
An OWN Woman - Continues to Evolve
An OWN Woman - Competes Only with Self
An OWN Woman - Celebrates Others Successes
An OWN Woman - Lives in a Space of Gratitude
An OWN Woman - Refuses to Quit
So you want to be a woman who own her power, not sure, schedule a Life Check-Up Strategy Session with Sonya at
I am Sonya J. Wells... an in your face, deal with it, keep it real coach, mentor and minister, countless women have been impacted through my style of coaching, mentoring and ministry for over twenty years. As a transformational coach and speaker, I am both compassionate and confrontational when it comes to changing your life.