Technology and Youth

Through the centuries as technology of any description has developed it has become synonymous with youth. It was taken for granted that the younger age groups were both more proficient in the use of technology as well as more interested. Dependent on the type of technology, for instance, mobile phones it may be simply an interest in staying in touch with friends from school and the technology is the vehicle to allow this, so they learn. However, this is no longer the case.
As mobile phones have developed over the late twentieth, early twenty-first century they have become gradually more necessary. There are fashionable phones and unfashionable phones and there is a 'cliquey' attitude between these phones; as part and parcel of the brands of phone that you choose you will often get a specific channel of communication which allows you to communicate with other phones of the same type for free. Therefore there becomes a benefit to you and your friends having the same type of phone. This, throughout history, has been limited to the younger generation as they say but this phenomenon seems to have reached an end.
The older generation seem to have taken the younger generation's lead and have also followed this tack and have mobile phones as well. You can be almost certain that originally the excuse for any parent was that mobile phones provided the comfort of safety for them and their children, but realistically they are just interested in staying in touch with their friends! Anywhere in the world you will find adults now using social media as well as instant messaging services of various descriptions to arrange meetings and social gatherings.
There is an element of transgression within the culture as you will find people communicating with others as though they were still young teenagers asking their friends to 'play out'. Let's take members only golf clubs for instance, it's an elitist community where you will find the same people day in, day out, and there are cliques. The men who enjoy their drink as much, if not more than there golf, for instance will send messages to their fellow clique members to find out if they're coming down to the club that day. Combine this with the need to shorten each other's names out of some twisted demonstration of fondness and wives instead of mothers on the phone requesting their drunken husbands be returned and you will find that you have a scene not dissimilar to a village green and half a dozen school boys.
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If you are interested in joining the society of mobile phone users the best thing to do is to contact one of the major companies in the UK - EE. Their contact details can be found at as well as the telephone numbers for any other companies you may need to contact.
Author Source: R.J Cowell